Monday, June 14, 2010

Talk, talk, talk

This post is completely for my own memory to remember all the things Easton is saying and doing at this point:
He says mama, daddy, bye, hi, car, dog, nana, please, thank you, wow, socks, shoes, nose, toes, cheese, cracker, nanight, no, book, ball, baseball, go, outside, toons, gramma, grampa, all done, whoa. He knows where his nose, hair, and belly are. He knows the sounds a duck, snake, and monkey make. He seems to recognize almost everything I say to him, and usually is good at following directions (The best is when I say "Put that back" and he does!). He's 17 months old. He can walk, run, and climb. He gives the best hugs in the whole world (I especially love when he pats my back). He's stingy with his kisses, but he'll give them out on rare occassions. He is almost always happy to blow you a kiss or give you a high-five. He has 6 teeth (2 bottom, 4 top). He can ride his push bike and likes to play outside the best. He's content to watch cartoons or read a book. He really loves to ROOOAARRR at whoever he can. His favorite foods are fruits, veggies, and cheese. He has kicked the binky habit.

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