Easto has really taken an interest in his toys. He likes to play, play, play. I have a feeling Kade and I will have a hard time keeping up with him soon.
We took a 3 day trip to Park City last week . Thursday we went to Geoff and Kristen's wedding in South Jordan.
Friday, we went with Kade's family to see Thomas the Train. Despite his expression, Easton had a really good time.
But he wanted to let you all know that he IS a tough guy. So he got a tattoo.
This year, Kade is playing ball for the Logan Cubs. They're a new team, and he's very excited. Even though they miserably lost their first game tonight, it was fun. Kade pitched more than half the game and did a great job! Easton was ready to be on the field!
Easton has really taken to eating solids. However, he already thinks he needs to help mom with the spoon. I'm doomed.
Also, in the last two weeks Kade and I have lost two very dear people. Kade's grandmother passed away from cancer about two weeks ago. The funeral was difficult for him, but we are all at ease knowing that she is no longer suffering. Saturday, my best friend, Amber's, dad passed away from a heartattack. He was a surrogate father to many of us since we were in elementary school and after since we spent so much time at Amber's. He was a very dear man to me, and an honorable example of what a father should be to a daughter. Grandma Gardner and Tom Schooley-- You will both be greatly missed on this earth. God be with you 'til we meet again.