1. He traded in the army crawl for the big boy crawl. And boy is he speedy! He's having a lot of fun exploring the house and finding new things to get into.
2. He has turned 9 months old! What a big boy!! He went for his check-up yesterday and he's now weighing in at 19 lbs and 13 oz (47%) and 28.5 inches(60%).
3. He FINALLY got two teeth. His first little chompers broke through at the same time and Mommy was SO relieved to see them. They had been giving Easton a hard time for months!
4. He finds EVERYTHING hilarious. Little Dude laughs at anything that happens around him. Sometimes it's a full out belly laugh and other times it's his so sweet "courtesy laugh."
5. He gives very good hugs. The best part of Mommy's whole day is when he crawls into her lap and snuggles in. *Insert melty puddle here*
1 comment:
He is getting SO big! He's totally adorable! Can't wait to be a mommy someday! :)
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